Live Coverage: Spring 2018 CCCSA Junior Norm Invitational, March 30 - April 1, 2018 Junior Invitational

Current Rating: 1959
Location: NC, USA
School Grade: 8


Current Rating: 1994
Location: NC, USA
School Grade: 9
Schedule to play in Round 4: Sunday, April 1, 2018; 10:00 AM

Head to Head match:
Time SpanTotal GamesKOTHAPALLI wondrawRAJAGOPAL won
Last 12 Months4112
Lifetime Record221264

Head to other players match:
Time SpanOpponent's namevs KOTHAPALLIvs RAJAGOPAL
Last 12 MonthsALI SHIRZAD32013210
Last 12 MonthsSULIA MASON52035221
Last 12 MonthsDOMINIQUE MYERS21012002
Last 12 MonthsMARK BIERNACKI21014013
Last 12 MonthsAUSTIN CHUANG41032101
Last 12 MonthsDANIEL JOSEF CREMISI60063003
Last 12 MonthsLUKE GREGORY HARRIS51316411
Last 12 MonthsCARSON PHILIP COOK41124022
Last 12 MonthsANDREW B CHEN64111001
Last 12 MonthsVISHNU VANAPALLI42205230
Last 12 MonthsADVAITH KARTHIK54103300
Last 12 MonthsADITYA SHIVAPOOJA71515041
Lifetime RecordMARNZELL HAND971111335
Lifetime RecordDAVID T RICHARDS125255113
Lifetime RecordSULIA MASON123275221
Lifetime RecordDOMINIQUE MYERS91084004
Lifetime RecordMARK BIERNACKI62044013
Lifetime RecordJAIDEN CHUANG74214202
Lifetime RecordAUSTIN CHUANG1542914455
Lifetime RecordSATHVIK CHATTA43014301
Lifetime RecordGAUTAM KAPUR43106402
Lifetime RecordSEAN THIEN HUYNH41125212
Lifetime RecordDANIEL JOSEF CREMISI1000104004
Lifetime RecordLUKE GREGORY HARRIS723214833
Lifetime RecordJEREMY ZI-ANG CHEN42115113
Lifetime RecordCARSON PHILIP COOK84229054
Lifetime RecordAUDREY ZHOU114524220
Lifetime RecordXIAODONG JIN62406231
Lifetime RecordANDREW B CHEN21144315816
Lifetime RecordJACK ILES52218242
Lifetime RecordVISHNU VANAPALLI1565415537
Lifetime RecordADITYA SHIVAPOOJA25816111245
Lifetime RecordOJAS PANDA65109441
Lifetime RecordSUHAS DUNDIGALLA74217133

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